Wednesday, April 22, 2015

York Road Traffic Advisory

Traffic Pattern Changes at the Intersection of

York Road and Woodbourne Avenue

to Begin April 26

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation would like to advise motorists of the traffic pattern changes that will be implemented at the intersection of York Road and Woodbourne Avenue for BGE gas line replacement work.

Starting at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 26, 2015, the following traffic patterns will be implemented at the intersection of York Road and Woodbourne Avenue:

 Woodbourne Avenue traffic will not be able to drive across the intersection of York Road. All eastbound and westbound Woodbourne Avenue traffic will be diverted right onto York Road.
 York Road will be reduced to one lane of travel through the intersection of Woodbourne Avenue. Right turns will be permitted from York Road onto Woodbourne Avenue.

These traffic pattern changes are expected to remain in effect for approximately two weeks. Motorists traveling in this vicinity should be on the watch for changing traffic patterns and are encouraged to use alternate routes.

The Baltimore City Department of Transportation:

“Keeping Baltimore Moving Safely”

Movie Night Coming Soon

In an effort to engage our youth the neighborhood association will be hosting Movie Nights in the months of March, April and May at the Walter P. Carter Recreation Center on Friday Evenings.

All movies will be family oriented and refreshments will be provided. The second Movie Night will be this Friday, April 24th at 5 pm. We will be showing "Kung Fu Panda"

Hope to see you there!!!!!!